Flat roof renovation Leuven

Flat roof renovation Leuven

Tectum Group is your specialist in flat roof renovation in Leuven. We offer waterproofing solutions for all types of flat roofs in Leuven. An office, commercial building, industrial production hall, but also residential apartments. For the renovation of your flat roof, you have come to the right place. For each project we propose the best suitable roofing material. In addition, we believe in using durable materials for a longer life of your flat roof.

Benefits of a durable flat roof in Louvain

Lower your energy bill

When renovating your roof, we recommend additional insulation
. This will significantly reduce the heating and cooling costs of your

Increase your living comfort

A second advantage of an insulated building is a stable
indoor climate because the indoor temperature is less likely to fluctuate. Very pleasant!

Fight against climate change

Flat and sloped roofs today are underutilized. Renovate your roof and consider
installing solar panels, a roof garden or intelligent water buffering. Lift
your flat roof to versatile heights. Read more

Extend the life of your flat/sloped roof

If your existing waterproofing is leaking, it can affect your underlying roof structure with far-reaching consequences. Prevent this by periodic roof maintenance or renovating
your flat roof.

Increase the value of your building

By investing in sustainability and energy efficiency now, you
anticipate changing legislation and increasing demand for green
buildings. This ensures the long-term value of your property.

Take advantage of premiums

Driven by Europe's 2030 climate and energy goal,
the Belgian government is being generous with premiums for the
renovation of your roof and facade. Take advantage of it!

Signs that your flat roof needs a renovation

Signs such as large pools of standing water, sagging roof sections, or water leaks are clear indications that your flat roof needs attention. An unexpectedly high energy bill can also be a sign of inadequate insulation due to an aging flat roof.

  • T logo of Tectum in blue
    Stagnant water
  • T logo of Tectum in blue
    Sagging roof parts
  • T logo of Tectum in blue
    Water leaks
  • T logo of Tectum in blue
    High energy bill
  • T logo of Tectum in blue
Flat roof renovation Leuven
    Flat roof renovation Leuven

    Process renovation flat roof in Louvain

    The first step in the process of renovating your flat roof in Louvain is a thorough inspection by a professional roofer. A plan is then drawn up that takes into account the budget, desired materials and timing for the renovation. The actual renovation work can range from a few days to weeks, depending on the scope of the project.


    A healthy home in a healthy building envelope

    The roof is sometimes called the fifth facade. Not illogically, because a roof protects the underlying building and its occupants from weather and unwanted guests. A healthy roof can also perform other functions such as providing space for technical installations, a green roof or even additional utility space. To keep the roof - whether flat or sloped - in good condition, timely renovation is advisable.

    Brussels renovation subsidies amount to 90% of the renovation cost.

    The Brussels Capital Region has been simplifying the procedure for applying for premiums for several years. Before 2021, three separate premium systems were active: the Energy Premium, the Residential Renovation Premium and the Facade Embellishment Premium. From 2022, only one integrated system will operate, under the name RENOLUTION premiums. Despite the fact that the scheme has been in joints for a while, not all building managers are aware of it. A shame, because the total premium can amount to as much as 90% of the total cost.

    The role of AOC's in the transition to sustainability

    The need to reduce our environmental footprint and actively contribute to combating climate change is becoming increasingly entrenched in all sectors, including the co-ownership sector. Awareness is growing among co-owners and syndicators alike about the importance of building sustainability and energy efficiency. This article explores the crucial role of sustainable management within co-ownership and the benefits it brings.
    Any future project on the horizon?
    Let's build together!